Welcome to Community Congregational Church!
We are an inclusive church community, where everyone who wishes to follow Jesus is welcome, where worship is a multimedia experience of Bible-based messages and engaging music, where our children’s ministry is fun and faith-building … and where we’re excited to welcome you!
Whether this is your first time considering a church or if you’ve been going your whole life, Community Congregational Church offers you an inclusive community where all are welcome and invited to participate in all aspects of the church.
Take a look around - most of your questions can be answered by exploring our website. When you're ready, we'd love to meet you or hear from you!


Visit Worship
Worship is the best way to get to know our church! We worship at 10:30am on Sundays in the Sanctuary at 200 Hartshorn Drive in Short Hills. You can learn more about worship here.

Connect With Us
We love to connect with people through email and social media. Our pastors are available to chat, pray, offer support through challenges, and encourage you on your faith journey. Click here to reach out!

Get Involved
Try one of our volunteer projects (like our Irvington Food Pantry), come to one of our social events, or delve deeper into matters of faith at Bible Study - you’ll meet new people and get to know our church! Find out more here!

Worship at Community Church
Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am!
We celebrate in blended style - that means our band plays everything from your favorite old hymns to contemporary Christian music, and all kinds of good stuff in between!
Childcare takes place at the same time as Worship in our nursery. Children of any age are also welcome to stay with you in worship.
Every service includes a sermon that is firmly based in scripture and rooted in right now. When we pray for all the people of God, we are invited to call out specific names aloud.
We share communion on the first Sunday of the month and, regardless of your background, we invite all followers of Jesus to participate.
Your gifts are received with gratitude during Worship. We dismiss with a blessing, and gather in Fellowship Hall for coffee and refreshments.
What to wear? We don't care! Whatever makes you comfortable is ok with us. Some people dress up, some wear jeans, and most land somewhere in the middle.